Our Services
We are passionate about the services we provide in the community. We are highly experienced and privately owned organisation that provides services for people with disability and aged care clients.
As our client groups is growing, our services are constantly expanding. We provide services across South Australia. We offer a range of services to clients of varying age, gender, cultural background and of differing physical and intellectual disabilities.
Our range of services include:
- Daily personal activities and Community Participation
- Community Nursing Care
- Supported Independent Living (SIL)
- Support Coordination
Life Caring is committed to promoting participants’ independence while offering best quality services to those in need. We are supportive of all personal beliefs, preferences, and values. We treat our participants according to their needs and our staff are always ready to help.
Our Target audience
We meet the needs of diverse participant groups. Our participant come from multiple backgrounds:
- Autism
- Physical Disability including Sensory Disability
- Intellectual Disability
- Dementia
- Mental Health
- Aged Care
Care & Responsibility is Our Priority
Life Caring has an effective incident management system which allows us to respond, manage and learn continuously. Our staff are trained in the requirements of our incident management system. Participants are always encouraged to have a family member, friend or independent advocate available to support.
Our Qualified Team
At Life Caring, we match clients with the right support workers ensuring gender and cultural needs are met. We have a pool of qualified and experienced support workers who have delivered services for many years.
Join our network of experienced support workers. Please contact us at info@lifecaring.com.au and share your interests.